Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Tuesday Goodness

So here are a some things that have been on my mind lately...
Our Honeymoon.
We had originally thought of doing the Greece/Italy stint, but since we are getting married at the end of the November, anywhere we traveled in Europe would be in the midst of winter. So we've decided to look into South America - where our winter is their summer & let me tell you - I'm getting excited. Very. Very. Excited. Now I know its still 417 days away - but I love looking forward to trips, and well - this is a pretty special trip - so let me be excited. We’re thinking Chile, Argentina & Uruguay. Here are some pictures of Argentina:
I’m not a flower girl. I’ve never been into flowers; I don’t know which ones bloom in the summer and which ones bloom in the winter. I don’t know them by name, or by color. So you can imagine my horror when I learned I would have to choose all the wedding floral arrangements for the wedding. What?! Me?
Luckily, my kick-butt wedding planner seems to know all things flower - so I'm a bit more at ease.
This a picture I found of a real wedding and love these simple arrangements.

Here are some of the highlights from the past two weeks:

Sammie's Baptism - she is so sweet in this picture.

Lukie in all his glory - so carefree - I love this shot.

My best turned 25 - in Miami!

More later...

Happy Tuesday.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

She said yes :)

With that one word - families come together and lives start changing.

She said yes!!

So welcome Martha, to our family! I couldn't have chosen a better person to call my sister. I'm so happy to have been able to witness last night - it was something else:)

Happy Thursday!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


I have this thing with countdowns. No, really it’s bad. I have countdown for everything!
Birthdays, vacations, tests, everything. If anyone has an iGoogle webpage as their desktop, you have the option of adding on a countdown or two, so I'm taking full advantage with seven!

Here they are as of Oct. 1, 2008:

23 days until Sammie & me are in NYC!
27 days until we close on our first home! (Sooo excited!)
55 days until Thanksgiving
85 days until Christmas (Holy crap!)
91 days until 2009!
208 days until the BIG 2-5.
423 days until we say I do!!!!!!

Okay, that’s it :)

Wednesday Goodness

I love getting things in the mail!! Yesterday I received this adorable onesie that I ordered from The Sweet Line. Isn't it just the cutest?! A good friend just had a baby girl and she is going to look so cute in it!

I will be getting two of these for my flower girls as well. Oh they are going to look so yummy in them :) Oh and they're organic!! Heck yeah!
My big brother is turning 27 today - Happy Birthday Eric!! BBBBUUUUTTT a tad more important - he is also proposing to his girlfriend today!! Good thing she doesn't follow this blog - or else I would have totally spoiled the surprise. ;)
Anyway, here's the game plan: we're all going out to celebrate his birthday with a big dinner (by we're all I'm talking about my family & her family included) and he's going to make a toast to their new house (they just became proud homeowners) and then thank everyone for coming out for his birthday and then BAM he'll turn around and ask her!! Oh I can't wait!! :)

Yay! Hopefully by the end of tonight - I'll have a new sister in law. :)