Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Tuesday Goodness

So here are a some things that have been on my mind lately...
Our Honeymoon.
We had originally thought of doing the Greece/Italy stint, but since we are getting married at the end of the November, anywhere we traveled in Europe would be in the midst of winter. So we've decided to look into South America - where our winter is their summer & let me tell you - I'm getting excited. Very. Very. Excited. Now I know its still 417 days away - but I love looking forward to trips, and well - this is a pretty special trip - so let me be excited. We’re thinking Chile, Argentina & Uruguay. Here are some pictures of Argentina:
I’m not a flower girl. I’ve never been into flowers; I don’t know which ones bloom in the summer and which ones bloom in the winter. I don’t know them by name, or by color. So you can imagine my horror when I learned I would have to choose all the wedding floral arrangements for the wedding. What?! Me?
Luckily, my kick-butt wedding planner seems to know all things flower - so I'm a bit more at ease.
This a picture I found of a real wedding and love these simple arrangements.

Here are some of the highlights from the past two weeks:

Sammie's Baptism - she is so sweet in this picture.

Lukie in all his glory - so carefree - I love this shot.

My best turned 25 - in Miami!

More later...

Happy Tuesday.

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