Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Wednesday Goodness

I love getting things in the mail!! Yesterday I received this adorable onesie that I ordered from The Sweet Line. Isn't it just the cutest?! A good friend just had a baby girl and she is going to look so cute in it!

I will be getting two of these for my flower girls as well. Oh they are going to look so yummy in them :) Oh and they're organic!! Heck yeah!
My big brother is turning 27 today - Happy Birthday Eric!! BBBBUUUUTTT a tad more important - he is also proposing to his girlfriend today!! Good thing she doesn't follow this blog - or else I would have totally spoiled the surprise. ;)
Anyway, here's the game plan: we're all going out to celebrate his birthday with a big dinner (by we're all I'm talking about my family & her family included) and he's going to make a toast to their new house (they just became proud homeowners) and then thank everyone for coming out for his birthday and then BAM he'll turn around and ask her!! Oh I can't wait!! :)

Yay! Hopefully by the end of tonight - I'll have a new sister in law. :)

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