Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Show the World What's Possible

I am obsessed with XM Satellite Radio. I admit it. BUT it's not for the swanky music, or the commercial-free goodness, I am obsessed because of Oprah and all her friends. If you're an XM junkie you gotta check them out on channel 156 - and WAIT! Sirius and XM joined forces - so now Oprah & Friends are on channel 195 for them. Oh life is good.

Anyway, many months ago I was listening to The Gayle King Show (which I love, love love) and she had Daryn Kagan(former CNN reporter) on her show and she talked about her new website. She has created a "Good News" website. With the amount of bad news out there, it's comforting to go somewhere and read about the good things that are easily overlooked.

If you're ever in need of a pick me up, this is a great place start...

Happy Reading.
(for my best)

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