Thursday, September 25, 2008


Okay, I don't think I will ever post more than 3 times in one day - shoot I'll be lucky to get one in daily - but since I'm starting out fresh I feel I should update you (the reader)a bit.
I'm an ESE Major - and I work for a privately- owed retirement facility - which I usually enjoy very much. I've got THE BEST entourage.
I'm marrying the THE MOST amazing man. Really, I know all people say this - but ladies, if I could - I would clone him and put one in every state. :) I would keep the original here with me though ;) Our wedding date is set for Thanksgiving Weekend 2009. Where I hope to look like this :)
He proposed to me in Spain while I was on "a girls only" vacation. Totally Surprised me - and my friends! :) You can read more about it here: We just put an offer on our first home - and we hope to close sometimes next month!
Well that's pretty much the the gist of what's going on in my life.

That's it! I'm done for the day.
Happy Thursday!

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