Thursday, September 25, 2008

New on the "blogging" scene

I've always been horrible at keeping up with a personal journal/diary thing (do people still call it a diary?). Anyway,I'll start one and always find it seemingly impossible to finish it through. But this year something major happened to me and I want to document everything! - Ms. Lissette Hunter got engaged!! And with all fun things that come will come my way during the whole getting married thing - I will also be letting go of my name. The only name I've known all 24 years of my life. The name that is called during attendance in class, the name that is on my diplomas, and most importantly the name that is familiar to all friends and and family. So, am I excited about becoming the future Mrs. Montenegero? Abso-freakin'- lutely (the delvish way Big says it to Carrie in the 1st episode but of course he uses the f word ;)) but it will definitely take some gettin' used to!
Soo this is why I'm entering this blogger world, and hopefully - I will be able to look back at my last days as a Hunter and smile :)


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