Thursday, August 13, 2009

10 things that make me terribly happy

One of my daily blog stops is over at Rockstar Diaries. The blog consists of the stories of Taza + Husband-which really are some of the sweetest you'll read. Anyway, she asked her readers to email her about 10 things that make you terribly happy. I love reading what all these people have to say so I'd figure I'd write my own.

Here's my list.
1. A fresh coat of paint on the walls
2. A conversation on the phone that you don’t want to end.
3. Kisses that give you Goosebumps.
4. The way a baby smells.
5. Thanksgiving & Christmas.
6. All green lights on the way to anywhere.
7. Sleeping in.
8. Fresh flowers at home.
9. Thinking of people, the culture, the sounds and even the food of Spain.
10. Vividly remembering my dreams.

Tell me, what are some of the things that would be on your list?

[image via le love]

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