Thursday, August 13, 2009

Ohh la la.

As wedding dates near, there are a few events leading up to the wedding that usually get the bride amped. You know the ones, the Bridal Showers, the Bachelorette Parties...the Boudoir Photos.
Wait, what? Boudoir Photots? Yes!Boudoir Photos!
I had my session this past weekend, and although I was a nervous mess, (think clammy hands and awkward face poses) towards the end, I became much more comfortable, and the pictures turned out incredible!! In many, I couldn't even believe it was me.
I will be giving these photos to my husband-to-be as a wedding gift. They will all be in a photobook, with my favorite image framed. I can't wait to give them to him and to see his reaction. I'm sure it will be priceless.
Here are a few sample images. (He never reads this, so I have no fear that this will ruin the surprise.)

You can see a few more here.

[all images by the talented Elaine Palladino]

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