Friday, August 21, 2009

99 days...

In just 99 days, this will be my husband and I.
My Husband. ;) It feels lovely to say that.

I saw The Time Traveler's Wife last night, and for the first time, it hit me. I'm getting married. I know what you could be thinking, really - you saw a movie and that is when it hit you??

But I dont know there was just something about her walking down the aisle to meet her groom that gave me goosebumps. I'm getting married. In just 99 days, I'll be his wife - I am so happy.

I know that these last few weeks before the wedding, things are going to fly by, chaos could arise but I hope to enjoy these last moments of prepartations and the moments I can steal away with him before we become Mr. & Mrs.

Let's start the official countdown, 99 days...


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