Friday, August 7, 2009

I'm terrible, really I am. BUT I've been inspired!

So I knew that keeping with this blog would be difficult. I always manage to get caught up in other things and forget that I wanted to do something for myself. But in the last couple of days, a great friend of mine started up her own blog - (go take a look here - I dare you not to be inspired!) and with her constant updating, I thought to myself, why did I stop? SO, let's try again.

Since I my last post, a lot of things have happened....

  • We are now only 112 days away from our wedding day!! Time flies, and I really am so excited that I could now say that my wedding is just a few months away. I have a few wedding-related events coming up (Bridal Shower, Lingerie Shower -oohlala, & of course the Bachelorette Party!) I'll be sure to post all about those, as I am sure they will all be fabulous! :)

  • Sam's sister got married! And she had an absolutely incredible wedding.

  • I turned the big 25 already ;)
  • We bought our first home and have been constantly trying to make it our own.
  • My brother and his fiance moved in together.
  • One of my dearest friends (and Bridesmaids) also got engaged! Congrats Sher! :)

That's all I could think of now, I really should be working ;P

I have an exciting day tomorrow...I'll keep you posted! :)



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